Wagh doesn't matter but is she being attacked for a reason?
Putting truthful data in the mouth of an allegedly discredited person will discredit that data and silence curiosity.
I posted earlier regarding a listing for Poornima Wagh on PubMed. Eric Coppolino responded that this was not the correct Poornima Wagh, that it was someone else. He claims Wagh said this herself. I did not hear this in the interviews I heard with her and I doubt Coppolino’s credibility.
What I do remember in Wagh’s interview with Regis Debray was that she said she was the only Poornima Wagh in the US. I also know that Poornima can be spelled Purnima.
In any event, I did unpublish the post and emailed her for confirmation of these listings, although they do conflict with her stated bio.
My feeling is it is possible Wagh really is this lab worker and that her story as stated to Debray contained untruths because she is being used to discredit the data.
She could also likely be used to discredit Dr. Lee Merritt, who ostensibly has a huge admirer in Alex Jones, and has now come to the conclusion pathogenic viruses do not exist as such. And of course, she would be discrediting the no virus team as well.
However, I did not set out to investigate Poornima Wagh and did not do a thorough due diligence. I just found this interesting to note and thought others might want to be aware of this.
I continue to review the reports on vial contents in detail along with the literature so I can present a series of credible reports on the fact that there does not appear to be RNA in the vaccine vials, and to suggest the true means of jab harm.
I won’t be posting anything further about Wagh, as there is more than enough data to evaluate without this episode being involved.
A recent interview with Reiner Fuellmich of the Corona Investigative Committee, which has now split up, reveals Reiner’s thoughts on the Wagh episode, which I share.
The alleged fact checkers involved in debunking Wagh, and connecting her to Fuellmich due to a joint appearance, presented an interactive PDF showing Fuellmich’s alleged connections to Soros money. Fuellmich claims he was unaware of any Soros links with organizations he was involved in.
In fact, it appears possible that Fuellmich, like Merritt, could be tipping towards the no virus camp, while Viviana Fischer remains locked in the delusion of germ theory. This may underlie the split. This is purely my speculation, albeit grounded I think.
For the record, here is the relevant info regarding the PubMed and Academic Tree listings found for Dr. Poornima (Purnima) Wagh.
According to PubMed, a Dr. Purnima K. Wagh did work in molecular biology / oncology labs at the University of Cincinnati (and area hospital) from roughly 2008 to 2015, with some work funded in part by the Komen Foundation that alleges to fight breast cancer.
There are six papers posted in PubMed attributed to PK Wagh and others. The full papers can be read from there and show familiarity with a variety of Rockefeller lab methods including PCR.
Here is the listing at Academic Tree showing molecular biology, cell biology and oncology as Dr. Wagh’s areas of work.
Here is a picture of the "other" Wagh you referenced here, Dr. Purnima K. Wagh, a doctor who has oncology as a principle discipline. OBVIOUSLY this is NOT the imposter, Poornima Wagh, whose picture I just linked for you in my earlier comment.
Thant EFC so called " expose" (a drama intended to discredit the movement by discrediting some actor poo*^^^ ) . EFC in my opinion, due to much research (and decades of knowledge on the subject of MK ULtra) is controlled opposition and he has now wormed in and infiltrated the debunking the convid and the debunking the germ hypothesis movement .
Controlled opposition agent Robert Francis Kennedy jr in order to get street cred "exposed" Fauci ( after he was outed) then Eric Francis C did exactly the same thing to try to get cred by saying he exposed RFK jr (after he was outed ) But he did not out him by paying $5,000 to ask 1 weak question that RFK jr, umed and ahhed about but was ready for the play he had an answer ready .
RFK jr by that stage was un -usable and was redeployed to the banking sector as he was already suspected.
Then ERC then did another drama with another actor Jay trying to do damage control by insinuating that RFK jr and CHD were just the victims being mis -advised by an" evil" advisor( that he crucified on cue ) . At this level controlled opposition is clever and subtle, inception-ing ideas in minds and using words that help try to weaken the movement . Like saying the virus is "missing" ...like it can be found. Or that it ever was there.