Dr. Poornima Wagh's story and evidence have not been given a fair hearing. Independent research done by scientific investigators around the world support her claims.
I could easily see this as a situation where the people interviewing Poornima do not have a very good grasp of the concepts she is talking about and as a result could become confused about what she is actually saying and claiming. The article above is correct though when it points out that those who do smear jobs focus only on digging up dirt on the target and never actually address what the person said. That kind of behavior points to the person doing it as VERY likely to be a professional disinformation agent. Poornima's statements threaten very powerful establishment organizations and therefore she is going to be a target of a whole cadre of liars and scumbags in the media.
Well I am glad that you have proclaimed that so all of the people reading this thread can just dismiss everything I said. We should trust you without any question right?
Agreed. Good piece. This psyop is layers deep, and Eric is attacking the messenger and ignoring the message. Poornima has stated all along she's a square peg fitting into a round hole, and has been swimming upstream and getting flack from her own father. This doesn't make her real, but it does make her story more understandable. I'd like to discuss this on my radio show - are you free tonight 8pm eastern?
I spent nearly three years learning the science about why there is no virus. Then I speak to this person who claims to have done an isolation experiment and have two PhDs and she cannot answer questions about basic lab technique. She will not tell me the title of her thesis. Two different queries to her claimed alma mater reveal that she never graduated; and there is NO trace of the claim of a PhD any time before early 2022.
Pass along to me the audio or video statement where you asked Poornima the title of her thesis and she refused to tell you. I would like to hear that for myself in context. Can you tell me where I can find that please? Also I would like to know who specifically you called and spoke to when you tried two different times to verify her PhD's with her alma mater? I would like to contact them myself and re-verify your verification. Can you provide those bits of information in a spirit of transparency? If not, why not?
In asking that question, you are admitting that you have not actually read my coverage. It's connected to every single article that I wrote about her, and my recent radio broadcast.
As you are such a diligent researcher, I reckon that you can find it in somewhere under thirty seconds, even if you have not had your coffee.
So you will not tell me specifically where she refused to answer you about her thesis? Why is that? Why can't you be specific? And who specifically did you call to verify her PhD's?
I am telling you it's the easiest thing to find in the world, and I am also telling you if you do not have these resources in your web browser history, you have no clue what you're talking about. So do some legwork, kid. Clue: it's all on my Substack.
Evasive much? Why can't you give a link and a time stamp instead of "go read everything I have written since the beginning of time on my substack and find it yourself" crap? You wouldn't want to wear me down with a blizzard of reading to find your small piece of golden evidence would you? I don't want to read all your articles and ramblings, I want to be pointed to the actual evidence you claim to have that supports your specific claims against Poornima. If you can't back up what you said then you are not an honest person and I am going to discard all your claims as unproven smears. You make the claims YOU back them up. I am 56 years old so I am not a kid.
So you actually believe that LSHTM awarded her 2 PhDs for 1 thesis that goes entirely against everything they stand for? And that it's nowhere to be found, and her PhDs are nowhere to be found, and her claimed lab work is nowhere to be found, because of her Daddy issues?
I recognize this Coppolino character from an interview he did with Amandha Vollmer on bitchute. Any opinion on her? I always thought her to be genuine.
She has a strange cult of personality and will ban people who are skeptics of things like flat earth. Still, she seems like a genuine, albeit misguided, person.
Hello I was wondering if it was possible to have links for all these searches. what do you think of the Bailey couple?? I found them believable but no longer, certain gray areas that disturb. I remain an open person and in good faith what interests me is the truth. fed up with imposters. you know how I discovered this article and well in the teletgram channel of the Dr Sam Bailey!.....I also find it shameful that this woman was attacked in this way....🤗🍀
You will certainly be interested! We will have great visibility I promise you on my side I support you and I will share. No more people in bad faith 🙌🌟🍀
Did any of you read Ehden Biber's substack on the contracts he found, specifically relating to manufacture which gives them the rights to change contents at any time. They list various things, one of them being "devices." So, what kind could they be I wonder?
So all we have here really is that Coppolino CLAIMS he has called Poornima's school and verified that she has no PhD's from that school. What happens though if we doubt he is telling the truth about actually doing that? I personally doubt he did what he claims to have done. That is the way smear jobs work, the jackals just make up lies about the person they are trying to smear and put them out there knowing it will be time consuming or difficult to prove they are lying so most people will not actually do the checking. They count on people just believing they really did call the school and painstakingly verify all the details they claim they did. Real reporters do those checks but there are not many real reporters left in the world let alone working inside the corporate whore media structure. If I were you I would take every single word these jackals say with a big grain of salt until you verify it yourself. For example Coppolino says James Corbett also verifies that Poornima is a liar. Well I will believe that when I hear it from Corbett's own mouth. That is the only way nowadays we have any chance of finding the truth is to question every single word spoken by the corporate whore media. If their lips are moving it is about 99% guaranteed they are lying outright, attempting to distract you from something far more important, or misleading you down a false rabbit hole.
Sorry it was the author of the article above who mentions Corbett but my caution still holds true with the author of the article. I will not accept what he or Coppolino says about Corbett until I hear it from Corbett's own lips.
Why are you still pushing the idea that Eric said anything about James Corbett? And why did 'Pseudonym' create this falsehood in the first place? Either no one has actually read Eric's work, or you're both intent on creating a false impression of what was said. Maybe you're even the same person, because we have no way of knowing who Pseudonym actually is, and you're both perpetuating the same lie.
I'll help you out, though this is more for the benefit of anyone reading, because I doubt that you're acting in good faith anyway.
From the article "Charlatan's Web', in which Dr. Kevin Corbett is quoted...
<Regarding access to her claimed doctoral thesis, Wagh told Planet Waves FM, "It should be available in the library."
"They are downloadable as documents," agreed Dr. Kevin Corbett of London, who did his doctoral work on HIV testing and its sociological impact, and has chaired the oral examinations for several Ph.D. candidates. He is familiar with the British system of advanced education, in which he has participated for a generation. Hear the full interview. [link provided]
The Thesis Should be in the British Library
"Normally, when you gain the award in the UK of a Ph.D, the thesis or both theses will be available on an archive catalog, usually within the college archive or online archive and/or within the British Library's online archive," Corbett added.
"I was very interested in reading them but I actually couldn't find them listed. And other people have tried to find them as well," he added.>
There really is no way to confuse the names Kevin and James unless it is intentional.
And if you are not intentionally perpetuating the lie, why would you simply accept what is written by an author who does not even give their name, and not simply go to the article and find out for yourself what the actual truth is?
I don't accept what Pseudonym says at face value and I think my last comment reflects that. My last comment also reflects that I agreed with you that Copollino wasn't the one talking about Corbett James or Kevin. Anyway my general point is that neither Pseudonym nor Coppolino can be trusted to have actually done any fact checking despite what they say they have done. The point is to question every word they say because it is probably a lie. So hopefully that clarifies what I am saying? If not then I don't know what to say to you. I think Poornima is the target of a smear campaign and I think Copollino has shown himself on this very thread to be both a liar and unstable. Pseudonym has said a few things I have serious questions about as well but at least he is saying Poornima is possibly telling the truth and we should wait and see. That give him/her at least some credibility in my eyes.
I will provide a few facts for you...hopefully they will actually mean something to you, otherwise I'm wasting my time and energy.
1 - Pacifica Radio...this is an affiliate program. Those affiliated with Pacifica do not answer to them, nor are they employed or controlled by them...
<The affiliate agreement will be renewed on a yearly basis. It will not include any additional or hidden obligations; Pacifica wholeheartedly supports your station as independent, locally managed, and unique.>
2 - here is the reply to Eric from LSHTM about Poornima...
Thanks for providing that link to the e-mail screen shot, something Coppolino would not do. I do want to point out to you however that a screen shot of an e-mail is not exactly iron clad proof of anything. In fact these jackals in the corporate whore media along with some spies cooked up an entire false dossier on the president a few years back. I am not saying this is a false document but I am saying it needs to be double checked because the corporate whore media absolutely cannot be trusted at all on anything they say. Coppolino has already on this thread shown himself to be a liar because in one comment he called himself a "Quaker" and then in another comment he told me to "go suck my own d**k". I don't know too many truly religious people, especially Quakers, who have potty mouths like that. As far as the second link to the Pacifica propaganda lets just say that does not clear Coppolino in any way from the charge of being one of the jackals with the whore media who will lie and cheat and be part of a smear campaign. Thanks though for at least providing a response and I will check into the veracity of the e-mail to LSHTM.
"I agreed with you that Copollino wasn't the one talking about Corbett James or Kevin"
I did not say this. You are twisting my words and not actually making any sense.
"question every word they say because it is probably a lie"...based on what?? You haven't even read or listened to what was said.
"I think Poornima is the target of a smear campaign"...Poornima has discredited herself by her own words...no need for anyone else to do anything but uncover the facts...obviously you have no interest in that.
You seem to just want to spew out words with no care as to what the truth is. What a waste of everyone's time!
Funny you should say you want to hear it, because I provided a 30 minute interview with him on my Sept. 2 program. Also, I did not call LSHTM. I got it in writing from the public affair office, two different times; and in writing from a Ph.D. grad from the institution who spoke with the dean for confirmation and provided his confirmation of that in writing. So as I said previously, Ruff...
As an astrologist/astrologer, Coppolino's credibility and discernment skills are somewhat suspect to begin with. The problem is, Wagh's research story (the 1500 samples) is virtually identical to a 2020 story talking about finding influenza A/B in patient samples, rather than SARS-COV2. In Wagh's case she simply changed the influenza to "nothing found." Seems quite obvious that she lied about what research/testing she and her "lab group" had done. Also extremely hard to believe someone can get TWO Ph.D degrees based on ONE thesis in 3 years. Poornima seems to have studied alot of different sources and "alternative" views of Big Pharma and school research and done a solid job of putting many thoughts together - and then puts forward false credentials to give her synopsis more hype.
I am not an astrologist. I am an astrologer. And I don't pretend it's science. My role is halfway between philosopher, historian and rabbi. Also I have only and ever praised Quinta.
Wow talk about changing the subject!!! I am interested in the discussion in the article above not a bible thumping session thank you very much. I don't care what religion Coppolino is or is not. All I care about is if he or Poornima is telling the truth. Based on my experience as a media critic I am already quite confident that Coppolino is not to be trusted so I will just wait and see how this all plays out. My gut instinct based on what I have heard from Poornima is that she is telling the truth, and a very dangerous truth at that to some establishment figures and organizations. Those organizations have vast resources with which to execute professional smear campaigns in an attempt to destroy dangerous threats like Poornima. I have seen it done many times, in fact just watch the film (The Insider) for a real life example of what a smear/intimidation campaign is really like. I will hold back from a final opinion on Poornima until I see how many jackals come out of the woodwork to attack her.
This seems to be a fundamentalist Christian blog, which is fine with me, as long as we follow the teachings of Jesus — one of which is not bearing false witness against your neighbors.
Mr Ruff, you know not of what you speak, in any event. I have spent three years on the virus story (not counting my work in the 1990s on HIV). And I've written more articles covering higher education, medical education and education law than you've written emails to your best friend.
She does not have her degrees that she claims, she does not know anything about the advanced lab techniques she mentions (she seems to have only experience as a basic microbio technician, as she does not know the difference between lavage and supernatant, which is pretty darned basic), and she risked blowing up in the face of the whole group of scientists and doctors who have done the real work on virus isolation.
My story was a textbook example of investigative journalism, following the rules of fair play down to the last iota — particularly giving her opportunity to respond with her best defense to all of the facts in the story. She chose not to respond. To question the credentials of someone claiming to be a double PhD in hard science who is also ignorant of basic lab terminology is not an attack. It is the press doing its job for a change.
If it is true that she has those doctorates, and I have destroyed her career, she would certainly come after me with her guns drawn. But I have written a hundreds of these exposes, and I know the rules, and I value my own ability to keep doing this work on behalf of the public.
Further, we are gathering evidence that she has been spreading this rumor of 1500 samples from California under a diversity of sock puppet accounts going back to middle 2020. Finally, it seems she got sick of hiding behind fake accounts and came out as the "double doctorate" of her dreams.
Well I have studied and written about disinformation and psyops along with media deception for longer than you have been writing e-mails to your best friends. Your attacks on Poornima bear all the hallmarks of a professional smear job and as I said you concentrate only on attacking her without actually addressing her claims. As to your knowledge of "science" I wager you are not as advanced in that regard as you boast. You are not the only one who has been studying this issue with great interest and close attention. I have as well. In addition to doing a ton of research and learning about the Germ theory vs. the Terrain theory etc, I have done an enormous amount of digging into other state sponsored lies such as 9/11, global warming, false flag shootings, and on and on for decades. In all my research a pattern of deception has emerged which is present with the Covid fraud and the whole pseudo science surrounding the germ theory and vaccination. The pattern is that whenever a person comes forward and exposes one of these frauds in an effective manner the jackals soon emerge to attack that person. Those jackals use a number of well established disinformation techniques in an attempt to cast doubt on that person, confuse and confound the evidence they present, and attempt to wear opponents down with an abnormal persistence. Usually these people are getting help from a professional group of liars and cointelpro operatives that work at various 3 letter agencies. You make a lot of claims Mr. Coppolino so rather than go further into what I suspect about you I would like to evaluate your specific claims against Poornima. That will require a little time for me to sort through before I can come to any definite conclusions about who if anyone is telling the truth. Suffice it to say that I have made myself an expert at spotting disinformation and its purveyors. I will see if my suspicions about you are justified or not in my own way and in my own time. I don't get a paycheck for any of this work so I will not be bullied into any sort of time frame as to when I will complete my analysis. Who knows maybe I will find that I have been wrong about my suspicions of you and issue an apology and a correction. I do doubt it though because almost every time I see these disinformation techniques being used, the person turns out to be a paid professional liar. We will see.
Yes, though I don't use those words to describe the Holy Spirit. I am a Quaker — so we use the term Inner Light to describe the Holy Spirit or Inner Teacher.
Why can't you two keep on the subject of the article huh? Why are you both derailing the discussion into the religion quagmire? Is there are reason for that? Very suspicious behavior from both of you to attempt this derailing.
I have been pondering for a while if I smell a rat with Dr Robert Young. I don't have evidence for that. It is my intuition upon listening to him and the content of his advice on relevant topics. I have not made any final judgement yet, as I am a cautious and diligent analyst in these matters.
Long time! My investigators told me you're around. What you provide is not a very close look. Since this incident, Hudson Valley One has paid off two multimillion dollar libel suits, and one of the top organizers blew the whistle on Novak and company.
Here is the actual evidence and another side of the story, complete with legal proceedings, my coverage, and letters of reference, even from radical feminists.
I never said you met me. But good of you to admit that, Reba, because that means you don't know me and have NO personal basis on which to level your false and embarrassing accusations.
And be a good girl and get rid of those lying, deceptive, gossip-packed articles. That mess was created by a bunch of fake feminists who came after me for calling the feminist movement to task. What is actually good for women is good for men. And nobody in their right mind can object to the sexual abuse of girls and women without also objecting to the sexual abuse of boys and men.
Hello I was wondering if it was possible to have links for all these searches. what do you think of the Bailey couple?? I found them believable but no longer, certain gray areas that disturb. I remain an open person and in good faith what interests me is the truth. fed up with imposters. you know how I discovered this article and well in the teletgram channel of the Dr Sam Bailey!.....I also find it shameful that this woman was attacked in this way....🤗🍀
Definitely suspicious of them, for sure. Also I will post more if I get more views. Let's see. We are trying. This story is huge and the focus on Wagh's credentials is a political attack and a distraction to the data.
totally agree with what you said! I follow very closely the "Teamnovirus" something is wrong I know....if I have something I will share with you. I will investigate thorough. 🙌
I have spent a lot of time in communication with the Baileys. They are motivated, down-to-earth people who work their asses off, surviving on subscriptions.
Dr. Mark Bailey has phenomenal knowledge of the history of virology, of biochemistry, of metagenetics, and of genetics generally. I have worked with a great many scientific sources and I find him to be one of the most impressive and knowledgeable ever, who catches the least error.
In my experience, they are sincere, helpful and faithful family people raising some children and living simply. They have their own cow so they and their young ones don't have to drink processed, poisoned milk.
Both dropped out of the medical system — Mark because he is a world-class amateur athlete (biathalon) who got sick of poisoning people and quit. Dr Sam Bailey was a doctor and television presenter who was fired from her TV role for questioning the covid narrative. I find her to be the very best presenter on this issue, lacking any trace of arrogance that you get in some of the other guys.
Sam does videos with topics that span from the history of virology to how to make a first aid kit. I love that about her. Here is an article about them that I wrote in August
I could easily see this as a situation where the people interviewing Poornima do not have a very good grasp of the concepts she is talking about and as a result could become confused about what she is actually saying and claiming. The article above is correct though when it points out that those who do smear jobs focus only on digging up dirt on the target and never actually address what the person said. That kind of behavior points to the person doing it as VERY likely to be a professional disinformation agent. Poornima's statements threaten very powerful establishment organizations and therefore she is going to be a target of a whole cadre of liars and scumbags in the media.
You are so far off target here, it would be funny, but it's not...it's pretty sad.
Well I am glad that you have proclaimed that so all of the people reading this thread can just dismiss everything I said. We should trust you without any question right?
Watch this: very powerful video by Lee Merritt on Poornima Wagh. Brilliant
Marc Mullie MD
Agreed. Good piece. This psyop is layers deep, and Eric is attacking the messenger and ignoring the message. Poornima has stated all along she's a square peg fitting into a round hole, and has been swimming upstream and getting flack from her own father. This doesn't make her real, but it does make her story more understandable. I'd like to discuss this on my radio show - are you free tonight 8pm eastern?
I spent nearly three years learning the science about why there is no virus. Then I speak to this person who claims to have done an isolation experiment and have two PhDs and she cannot answer questions about basic lab technique. She will not tell me the title of her thesis. Two different queries to her claimed alma mater reveal that she never graduated; and there is NO trace of the claim of a PhD any time before early 2022.
Pass along to me the audio or video statement where you asked Poornima the title of her thesis and she refused to tell you. I would like to hear that for myself in context. Can you tell me where I can find that please? Also I would like to know who specifically you called and spoke to when you tried two different times to verify her PhD's with her alma mater? I would like to contact them myself and re-verify your verification. Can you provide those bits of information in a spirit of transparency? If not, why not?
Mr Ruff,
In asking that question, you are admitting that you have not actually read my coverage. It's connected to every single article that I wrote about her, and my recent radio broadcast.
As you are such a diligent researcher, I reckon that you can find it in somewhere under thirty seconds, even if you have not had your coffee.
So you will not tell me specifically where she refused to answer you about her thesis? Why is that? Why can't you be specific? And who specifically did you call to verify her PhD's?
I am telling you it's the easiest thing to find in the world, and I am also telling you if you do not have these resources in your web browser history, you have no clue what you're talking about. So do some legwork, kid. Clue: it's all on my Substack.
Evasive much? Why can't you give a link and a time stamp instead of "go read everything I have written since the beginning of time on my substack and find it yourself" crap? You wouldn't want to wear me down with a blizzard of reading to find your small piece of golden evidence would you? I don't want to read all your articles and ramblings, I want to be pointed to the actual evidence you claim to have that supports your specific claims against Poornima. If you can't back up what you said then you are not an honest person and I am going to discard all your claims as unproven smears. You make the claims YOU back them up. I am 56 years old so I am not a kid.
So you actually believe that LSHTM awarded her 2 PhDs for 1 thesis that goes entirely against everything they stand for? And that it's nowhere to be found, and her PhDs are nowhere to be found, and her claimed lab work is nowhere to be found, because of her Daddy issues?
No I don't think she has the phd - she explained why she didn't.
She stated that a professor intervened for her and that she did get the PhDs. She has said from the beginning that she has 2 PhDs.
I recognize this Coppolino character from an interview he did with Amandha Vollmer on bitchute. Any opinion on her? I always thought her to be genuine.
She has a strange cult of personality and will ban people who are skeptics of things like flat earth. Still, she seems like a genuine, albeit misguided, person.
Hello I was wondering if it was possible to have links for all these searches. what do you think of the Bailey couple?? I found them believable but no longer, certain gray areas that disturb. I remain an open person and in good faith what interests me is the truth. fed up with imposters. you know how I discovered this article and well in the teletgram channel of the Dr Sam Bailey!.....I also find it shameful that this woman was attacked in this way....🤗🍀
I can post all the data when I get enough interest. Please share and I will do it.
You will certainly be interested! We will have great visibility I promise you on my side I support you and I will share. No more people in bad faith 🙌🌟🍀
send finding. to arrest politicians
Give it to local police for charges. of your politicians on crimes on deliberate intent to injure and kill you!
Give information to local police for charges!! against politician's
Did any of you read Ehden Biber's substack on the contracts he found, specifically relating to manufacture which gives them the rights to change contents at any time. They list various things, one of them being "devices." So, what kind could they be I wonder?
Purnima Wagh is a different person-- https://translationalcells.org/content/purnima-wagh
So all we have here really is that Coppolino CLAIMS he has called Poornima's school and verified that she has no PhD's from that school. What happens though if we doubt he is telling the truth about actually doing that? I personally doubt he did what he claims to have done. That is the way smear jobs work, the jackals just make up lies about the person they are trying to smear and put them out there knowing it will be time consuming or difficult to prove they are lying so most people will not actually do the checking. They count on people just believing they really did call the school and painstakingly verify all the details they claim they did. Real reporters do those checks but there are not many real reporters left in the world let alone working inside the corporate whore media structure. If I were you I would take every single word these jackals say with a big grain of salt until you verify it yourself. For example Coppolino says James Corbett also verifies that Poornima is a liar. Well I will believe that when I hear it from Corbett's own mouth. That is the only way nowadays we have any chance of finding the truth is to question every single word spoken by the corporate whore media. If their lips are moving it is about 99% guaranteed they are lying outright, attempting to distract you from something far more important, or misleading you down a false rabbit hole.
Eric has said nothing at all about James Corbett. Obviously no one here is actually checking any facts.
Sorry it was the author of the article above who mentions Corbett but my caution still holds true with the author of the article. I will not accept what he or Coppolino says about Corbett until I hear it from Corbett's own lips.
Your reply doesn't make sense.
Why are you still pushing the idea that Eric said anything about James Corbett? And why did 'Pseudonym' create this falsehood in the first place? Either no one has actually read Eric's work, or you're both intent on creating a false impression of what was said. Maybe you're even the same person, because we have no way of knowing who Pseudonym actually is, and you're both perpetuating the same lie.
I'll help you out, though this is more for the benefit of anyone reading, because I doubt that you're acting in good faith anyway.
From the article "Charlatan's Web', in which Dr. Kevin Corbett is quoted...
<Regarding access to her claimed doctoral thesis, Wagh told Planet Waves FM, "It should be available in the library."
"They are downloadable as documents," agreed Dr. Kevin Corbett of London, who did his doctoral work on HIV testing and its sociological impact, and has chaired the oral examinations for several Ph.D. candidates. He is familiar with the British system of advanced education, in which he has participated for a generation. Hear the full interview. [link provided]
The Thesis Should be in the British Library
"Normally, when you gain the award in the UK of a Ph.D, the thesis or both theses will be available on an archive catalog, usually within the college archive or online archive and/or within the British Library's online archive," Corbett added.
"I was very interested in reading them but I actually couldn't find them listed. And other people have tried to find them as well," he added.>
There really is no way to confuse the names Kevin and James unless it is intentional.
And if you are not intentionally perpetuating the lie, why would you simply accept what is written by an author who does not even give their name, and not simply go to the article and find out for yourself what the actual truth is?
I don't accept what Pseudonym says at face value and I think my last comment reflects that. My last comment also reflects that I agreed with you that Copollino wasn't the one talking about Corbett James or Kevin. Anyway my general point is that neither Pseudonym nor Coppolino can be trusted to have actually done any fact checking despite what they say they have done. The point is to question every word they say because it is probably a lie. So hopefully that clarifies what I am saying? If not then I don't know what to say to you. I think Poornima is the target of a smear campaign and I think Copollino has shown himself on this very thread to be both a liar and unstable. Pseudonym has said a few things I have serious questions about as well but at least he is saying Poornima is possibly telling the truth and we should wait and see. That give him/her at least some credibility in my eyes.
I will provide a few facts for you...hopefully they will actually mean something to you, otherwise I'm wasting my time and energy.
1 - Pacifica Radio...this is an affiliate program. Those affiliated with Pacifica do not answer to them, nor are they employed or controlled by them...
<The affiliate agreement will be renewed on a yearly basis. It will not include any additional or hidden obligations; Pacifica wholeheartedly supports your station as independent, locally managed, and unique.>
2 - here is the reply to Eric from LSHTM about Poornima...
Realistically, this should assuage any doubts that you have on these subjects. Let's see...
Thanks for providing that link to the e-mail screen shot, something Coppolino would not do. I do want to point out to you however that a screen shot of an e-mail is not exactly iron clad proof of anything. In fact these jackals in the corporate whore media along with some spies cooked up an entire false dossier on the president a few years back. I am not saying this is a false document but I am saying it needs to be double checked because the corporate whore media absolutely cannot be trusted at all on anything they say. Coppolino has already on this thread shown himself to be a liar because in one comment he called himself a "Quaker" and then in another comment he told me to "go suck my own d**k". I don't know too many truly religious people, especially Quakers, who have potty mouths like that. As far as the second link to the Pacifica propaganda lets just say that does not clear Coppolino in any way from the charge of being one of the jackals with the whore media who will lie and cheat and be part of a smear campaign. Thanks though for at least providing a response and I will check into the veracity of the e-mail to LSHTM.
"I agreed with you that Copollino wasn't the one talking about Corbett James or Kevin"
I did not say this. You are twisting my words and not actually making any sense.
"question every word they say because it is probably a lie"...based on what?? You haven't even read or listened to what was said.
"I think Poornima is the target of a smear campaign"...Poornima has discredited herself by her own words...no need for anyone else to do anything but uncover the facts...obviously you have no interest in that.
You seem to just want to spew out words with no care as to what the truth is. What a waste of everyone's time!
Funny you should say you want to hear it, because I provided a 30 minute interview with him on my Sept. 2 program. Also, I did not call LSHTM. I got it in writing from the public affair office, two different times; and in writing from a Ph.D. grad from the institution who spoke with the dean for confirmation and provided his confirmation of that in writing. So as I said previously, Ruff...
So you can provide screen shots of those letters yes?
As an astrologist/astrologer, Coppolino's credibility and discernment skills are somewhat suspect to begin with. The problem is, Wagh's research story (the 1500 samples) is virtually identical to a 2020 story talking about finding influenza A/B in patient samples, rather than SARS-COV2. In Wagh's case she simply changed the influenza to "nothing found." Seems quite obvious that she lied about what research/testing she and her "lab group" had done. Also extremely hard to believe someone can get TWO Ph.D degrees based on ONE thesis in 3 years. Poornima seems to have studied alot of different sources and "alternative" views of Big Pharma and school research and done a solid job of putting many thoughts together - and then puts forward false credentials to give her synopsis more hype.
I am not an astrologist. I am an astrologer. And I don't pretend it's science. My role is halfway between philosopher, historian and rabbi. Also I have only and ever praised Quinta.
I corrected my post. Truly hope you abandon playing with demons and follow the one true God of history, Jesus Christ.
Wow talk about changing the subject!!! I am interested in the discussion in the article above not a bible thumping session thank you very much. I don't care what religion Coppolino is or is not. All I care about is if he or Poornima is telling the truth. Based on my experience as a media critic I am already quite confident that Coppolino is not to be trusted so I will just wait and see how this all plays out. My gut instinct based on what I have heard from Poornima is that she is telling the truth, and a very dangerous truth at that to some establishment figures and organizations. Those organizations have vast resources with which to execute professional smear campaigns in an attempt to destroy dangerous threats like Poornima. I have seen it done many times, in fact just watch the film (The Insider) for a real life example of what a smear/intimidation campaign is really like. I will hold back from a final opinion on Poornima until I see how many jackals come out of the woodwork to attack her.
This seems to be a fundamentalist Christian blog, which is fine with me, as long as we follow the teachings of Jesus — one of which is not bearing false witness against your neighbors.
Mr Ruff, you know not of what you speak, in any event. I have spent three years on the virus story (not counting my work in the 1990s on HIV). And I've written more articles covering higher education, medical education and education law than you've written emails to your best friend.
She does not have her degrees that she claims, she does not know anything about the advanced lab techniques she mentions (she seems to have only experience as a basic microbio technician, as she does not know the difference between lavage and supernatant, which is pretty darned basic), and she risked blowing up in the face of the whole group of scientists and doctors who have done the real work on virus isolation.
My story was a textbook example of investigative journalism, following the rules of fair play down to the last iota — particularly giving her opportunity to respond with her best defense to all of the facts in the story. She chose not to respond. To question the credentials of someone claiming to be a double PhD in hard science who is also ignorant of basic lab terminology is not an attack. It is the press doing its job for a change.
If it is true that she has those doctorates, and I have destroyed her career, she would certainly come after me with her guns drawn. But I have written a hundreds of these exposes, and I know the rules, and I value my own ability to keep doing this work on behalf of the public.
Further, we are gathering evidence that she has been spreading this rumor of 1500 samples from California under a diversity of sock puppet accounts going back to middle 2020. Finally, it seems she got sick of hiding behind fake accounts and came out as the "double doctorate" of her dreams.
To those who missed it, here is the original
Well I have studied and written about disinformation and psyops along with media deception for longer than you have been writing e-mails to your best friends. Your attacks on Poornima bear all the hallmarks of a professional smear job and as I said you concentrate only on attacking her without actually addressing her claims. As to your knowledge of "science" I wager you are not as advanced in that regard as you boast. You are not the only one who has been studying this issue with great interest and close attention. I have as well. In addition to doing a ton of research and learning about the Germ theory vs. the Terrain theory etc, I have done an enormous amount of digging into other state sponsored lies such as 9/11, global warming, false flag shootings, and on and on for decades. In all my research a pattern of deception has emerged which is present with the Covid fraud and the whole pseudo science surrounding the germ theory and vaccination. The pattern is that whenever a person comes forward and exposes one of these frauds in an effective manner the jackals soon emerge to attack that person. Those jackals use a number of well established disinformation techniques in an attempt to cast doubt on that person, confuse and confound the evidence they present, and attempt to wear opponents down with an abnormal persistence. Usually these people are getting help from a professional group of liars and cointelpro operatives that work at various 3 letter agencies. You make a lot of claims Mr. Coppolino so rather than go further into what I suspect about you I would like to evaluate your specific claims against Poornima. That will require a little time for me to sort through before I can come to any definite conclusions about who if anyone is telling the truth. Suffice it to say that I have made myself an expert at spotting disinformation and its purveyors. I will see if my suspicions about you are justified or not in my own way and in my own time. I don't get a paycheck for any of this work so I will not be bullied into any sort of time frame as to when I will complete my analysis. Who knows maybe I will find that I have been wrong about my suspicions of you and issue an apology and a correction. I do doubt it though because almost every time I see these disinformation techniques being used, the person turns out to be a paid professional liar. We will see.
Well, I suggest you send your report directly to the Trilateral Commission. I just got off the phone with them and they eagerly await your analysis.
Never trust a joo. Especially when it’s joos who put this shit out.
My boss is a Jewish carpenter, Ben.
You follow Jesus Christ, God in human flesh, King of Kings and Lord of Lords?
Yes, though I don't use those words to describe the Holy Spirit. I am a Quaker — so we use the term Inner Light to describe the Holy Spirit or Inner Teacher.
Why can't you two keep on the subject of the article huh? Why are you both derailing the discussion into the religion quagmire? Is there are reason for that? Very suspicious behavior from both of you to attempt this derailing.
Ohhh you’re a Kabbalist. Explains a lot. BYE
I have been pondering for a while if I smell a rat with Dr Robert Young. I don't have evidence for that. It is my intuition upon listening to him and the content of his advice on relevant topics. I have not made any final judgement yet, as I am a cautious and diligent analyst in these matters.
And in the spirit of transparency as Coppolino is so fantically dedicated to, let's have a closer look at what lurks in the background.
Hi Reba,
Long time! My investigators told me you're around. What you provide is not a very close look. Since this incident, Hudson Valley One has paid off two multimillion dollar libel suits, and one of the top organizers blew the whistle on Novak and company.
Here is the actual evidence and another side of the story, complete with legal proceedings, my coverage, and letters of reference, even from radical feminists.
all in reprisal for this article, as you well know —
Wrong Reba. Faulty presumptions I've never met you.
I never said you met me. But good of you to admit that, Reba, because that means you don't know me and have NO personal basis on which to level your false and embarrassing accusations.
And be a good girl and get rid of those lying, deceptive, gossip-packed articles. That mess was created by a bunch of fake feminists who came after me for calling the feminist movement to task. What is actually good for women is good for men. And nobody in their right mind can object to the sexual abuse of girls and women without also objecting to the sexual abuse of boys and men.
Hello I was wondering if it was possible to have links for all these searches. what do you think of the Bailey couple?? I found them believable but no longer, certain gray areas that disturb. I remain an open person and in good faith what interests me is the truth. fed up with imposters. you know how I discovered this article and well in the teletgram channel of the Dr Sam Bailey!.....I also find it shameful that this woman was attacked in this way....🤗🍀
Definitely suspicious of them, for sure. Also I will post more if I get more views. Let's see. We are trying. This story is huge and the focus on Wagh's credentials is a political attack and a distraction to the data.
totally agree with what you said! I follow very closely the "Teamnovirus" something is wrong I know....if I have something I will share with you. I will investigate thorough. 🙌
I have spent a lot of time in communication with the Baileys. They are motivated, down-to-earth people who work their asses off, surviving on subscriptions.
Dr. Mark Bailey has phenomenal knowledge of the history of virology, of biochemistry, of metagenetics, and of genetics generally. I have worked with a great many scientific sources and I find him to be one of the most impressive and knowledgeable ever, who catches the least error.
In my experience, they are sincere, helpful and faithful family people raising some children and living simply. They have their own cow so they and their young ones don't have to drink processed, poisoned milk.
Both dropped out of the medical system — Mark because he is a world-class amateur athlete (biathalon) who got sick of poisoning people and quit. Dr Sam Bailey was a doctor and television presenter who was fired from her TV role for questioning the covid narrative. I find her to be the very best presenter on this issue, lacking any trace of arrogance that you get in some of the other guys.
Sam does videos with topics that span from the history of virology to how to make a first aid kit. I love that about her. Here is an article about them that I wrote in August