Great, well researched article. Thank you.

This evidence, coupled with what I'm sure is coming in part 2, namely 'no mRNA in the vials', points to a teleological (goal-directed) depopulation agenda by CHEMICAL poisoning, and not 'biochemical' poisoning (SPs).

Let us reverse-engineer the Covid hoax as a eugenicist plot:

1. Invent a virus which does not exist.

2. Portray this fake 'virus' as a 3-D structure that has 'spike proteins' (SPs) on its surface.

3. Tell people the SPs are the cause of a disease called 'Covid 19', when in fact they are the effect ('spiculated' intracellular vesicles) from toxic oxidative causes.

4. Tell people we need a jab with mRNA to stimulate our adaptive immune systems to produce antibodies against the SP when in fact it is a Trojan Horse jab with toxic deadly chemicals and no mRNA.

5. Increase FEAR and the desire for more jabs by inventing a test tailored to detect human RNA (PCR) to drive the mantra of 'asymptomatic' transmission.

6. Use the fear to drive boosters and gradually increase the amount of toxic chemicals in people to attain the 'median lethal dose'.

7. Obfuscate: allow hundreds of prominent bloggers to become controlled opposition by promoting the 'SP toxin' myth. Berenson, Kirsch, Malone etc etc

8. Achieve 2 goals with one shot: death by graphene endothelial nano-slicing and clotting, and the conversion of the 'not-yet-dead' human organism into a 'graphenated' 'modulatable' bioelectric receiver/emitter.

Satan must be proud of his Darwinist, Malthusian, eugenicist minions.

Marc Mullie MD


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Yeah I think you got it right. Well said sir.

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Thank you. Keep up the great research.


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on point 7 Marc, I would not spend time maligning those who are basically fighting on the side of truth. As the scriptures say a house divided will not stand. we really must stand together and expose the totality of the global plot. If the reality is there is no such thing as synthetic mRNA in the vxx, then the deception and the lie is even larger than anyone could have imagined.

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Agreed. Amen.

I get your point but there is an unresolved conflict in your position and the 'truth movement' as a whole.

The 'truth' is one single specific entity, not two. Fighting for the wrong 'side' of the truth, even inadvertently, is fighting for 'apparent' truth, not the 'real' one. Let us say the 'apparent' truth is spike protein poisoning by mRNA jabs and the 'real' truth is direct chemical poisoning. The difference here in 'fighting for the truth' is not negligible: it is (1) vs (2)

Position (1)- SP poisoning: 'They' may NOT be liable because their lawyers will argue that 'they' thought this was a virus with spike proteins and they were well intentioned in developing a 'vaccine' with mRNA designed to make spike proteins to make antibodies to combat a virus. The spike proteins turned out to be toxic agents, with lots of death and disability, but they basically had good intentions with the jab, they were just greedy in wanting to keep making billions with their jabs and boosters. But there was no deliberate genocidal malfeasance. They just ignored all the adverse events to keep making money. Call it Manslaughter.

Position (2)-chemical poisoning: they deliberately tried to KILL 4 billion people directly by chemical poisoning. Call it First Degree Murder.

If I support (1) I am not fighting for real truth, I am fighting on the side of the Father of Lies, and the alibi is 'the road to Hell is paved with good intentions'. They walk or at worst pay a few hundred million in damages after raking in billions.

If I support (2) I am fighting for real justice, human or Divine. They hang, or they go to Hell, or both.

Again: all this is assuming that (2) is the real truth in all of this. We need more confirmation.

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good assessment Marc. well thought out. thanks for reply. there is a lot of parallel ground between this and the 911 truth movement...some of those in the truth movement have adopted unorthodox and I would say off the wall ideas that discredit those who question the standard narrative. my point is that unless this "no mRNA" can be fully revealed to the body of researchers, the all-or-nothing approach can work against getting to the truth.

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Yes, I agree that we may never know the 'real' truth, but my 'educated guess' is that we will - you can't hide what is in or is not in the vials.

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I don't think it's about "maligning". Why shouldn't they be challenged to back up their presumption that there's really mRNA in the injections that will cause cells to manufacture 'spike proteins' of a type supposedly produced by an imaginary 'virus'?

Are they really fighting on the side of truth when they're adamantly sticking to pure faith in what they've been told by the same 'authorities' who are obviously lying and covering up millions of deaths & severe injuries?

They cannot provide one independent study that confirms their claim of the mRNA mechanism, yet they're fully invested in pretending it's fact. Why should that be acceptable to anyone who values truth?

It appears to me that they have one foot in the corrupt establishment camp and one foot in the alternative camp, and are trying to enjoy the benefits of both.

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Well said Dr. Well said !

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I think you got it right from 1 through 7. Some of us have been saying that from day 1.

And it's been the same formula for the past century. Prior to covid and mRNA tales, the hoax was stories about 'live virus' or 'attenuated virus' vaccines. They couldn't isolate a virus back then either, so obviously it was all lies to cover for poison injections.

In 1917 when the Rockefeller Institute and the US Army were experimenting on US soldiers at Fort Riley, KS, they documented giving soldiers repeated doses of the meningitis vaccine, using multiple lots of vaccine of differing potency with different groups of soldiers, to learn the lethal limits. What a coincidence that the 'Spanish Flu' broke out at Fort Riley, KS the following Spring. This sick game has been going on a long time.

Regarding your #8, I agree with the sentiment that these people are psychopaths and should be held responsible for the harm they cause. But at the same time I think their primary goal is a sea of humanity that's weak, disempowered, dependent, and compliant. It's long been known that sustained levels of toxic metals in the brain will produce that result, and that's always been the role of vaccines. It's likely that GO is a new generation of toxins that offer exciting new opportunities for 'vaccines' that can more precisely produce the compliant worker ants that elites dream about. If we get stuck on alleging a 'genocide' motive, I think we then ignore the primary agenda and the fact that it's been in development for a long time, with a lot of cooperation from all institutions.

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Yes. Autism is now 1 in 40. I was born in '53 before vaccines became fashionable. I grew up in a small farming village where i knew every single family and every one of about 1000 kids. I don't recall a single kid having autism in grade school.

Dementia has also skyrocketed.

Then there is 'SIDS' - sudden infant death syndrome (crib death) very likely secondary to vaccines.

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As crazy as it sounds, all my hours of research has led me here as well.

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Many thanks for this great article! I ask again and again. For the part it is this kind of research that I wish ' . You have my full support ❤️

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I shared your article on telegram, it got a lot of interest and was published. We look forward to your valuable research. Respect for your work 🌺

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Cellular Responses to Graphene Oxide Sheets


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Foreign Materials in Blood Samples of Recipients of COVID-19 Vaccines https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/37

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PS, a new finding from an autopsy just came out in the Naked Emperor Substack who just wrote about the death of an double boosted male...autopsy revealed spike proteins in brain and heart tissues of a type that is not connected to the standard covid viral reaction. Article here: https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/spike-protein-from-vaccination-found?utm_source=email

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PS, please comment on PEG. Naomi Wolf and team are reporting numerous accounts of toxic breast milk that is discoloring blueish green and the resulting deaths of newborns. Her belief is that PEG as noted as a listed publically documented ingredient in the vials as a delivery vehical of the mRNA payload is contributing to lethality in the breast milk.

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PEG is a well-studied 'functionalizing' agent that's added to GO or rGO, reportedly to enable particles to more easily penetrate cell membranes. I posted a reference article in the comments here: https://pseudoscience.substack.com/p/independent-researchers-find-no-mrna

I've tried to call Wolf's attention to the fact that the mRNA mechanism is purely hypothetical, and not supported by any evidence whatsoever, but she doesn't respond.

I think it's important that we not fall into the irrationality of assuming all harm from the injections is from only one ingredient or toxin. It's likely a very complex matter of numerous harmful substances interacting in a complex biological system.

My guess is that the PEG would most likely be playing a role in the anaphylactic shock reactions immediately after injection, but probably only an indirect role (as a functionalizing agent) in the longer-term cell and tissue damage.

I haven't seen any confirmation that PEG is actually being identified as an ingredient. Maybe in year 4 of the fake pandemic genocide there will finally be an organized effort to identify what people are being injected with.

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Yes. What is surprising is that all the prominent virus-SP bloggers ASSUME there is mRNA in the jabs simply because Big Pharma said there was. Governments approved the jabs without EVER checking what was in the vials. The single most important thing to prove is that there is no functional mRNA in the vials - THAT brings down the whole house of cards because it proves the mRNA lie created a Trojan Horse injection for CHEMICAL warriors instead of BIOLOGICAL ones.

Mullie's Law: no mRNA = no SP = no virus => toxic chemical injection.

It's that simple.

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Great work!

I started reading toxicology studies regarding GO,.. potential harm looks bad but body seems to have ways of excreting the stuff... hence the PEG to keep the graphene in the body for longer periods

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But is PEG found in the vials?

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it's at least stated on the ingredientslist and it would make sense to coat the GO to prevent it form being excreted in a matter of days

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Good opening summary. Thank you for your efforts. Looking forward to the coming installments. Very best wishes...

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Thank you! And I love your channel. I subscribe.

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